What Is Bee Pollen?

Have you ever heard of Bee Pollen?

At The Honey Cottage we have had an increase in customers coming in and asking questions on bee pollen.  Either they came upon this fascinating product because of friends and family recommending it or they found it by doing research for natural allergy relief.  Whatever the reason you find out about bee pollen, we are happy to show you this exciting beehive product. 

Many people do not realize how much we really need bees to help us eat food everyday.  Bees pollinate the flowers that we use for teas and essential oils. Bees pollinate the flowers that produce the seeds that we use for the next season of crops.  Bees pollinate the fruit and vegetables flowers that turn into food we eat.  Without bees we would not get enough food to feed people.  Bees are able to carry enough pollen, from flower to flower, to visit approximately 5,000 flowers.  Bees are able to pollinate more flowers than humans could in a day.

Bees not only spread flower pollen and collect nectar; they also make bee pollen.  The bees that leave the hive to collect nectar and pollen are called field bees.  When a field bee goes from flower to flower, they do their normal work of collecting the nectar from flowers.  They also take the flower pollen, mix it with the bee spit, make it into a ball, and place it in their pollen baskets on their back legs.  Once their honey stomach is full of nectar, they fly back to the beehive.  Once at the hive, the field bees will transfer the nectar to the worker bees.  A few of the other worker bees will clean the pollen off of the field bees to get them back out faster.  The worker bees then take the bee pollen and put it into the cells.  Some of the pollen is mixed with honey to make bee bread.   

Stay tuned for “How do I take bee pollen?”

From Our Hive to Yours,

Bee Queen

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